Friday, 22 November 2013

Chapter 2 : Defining of 4Cs in EBS

1      Introduction:

In the last chapter we have studied about the basic steps to start with in order to work in oracle apps or EBS. So as in our check list we have covered two steps i.e
Step 1: Creation of user
Step 2: Creation of responsibility and assigning them to the user and testing by logging.
In this chapter we will take the next step i.e. defining of 4Cs which are
1st C: COA
2nd C: Currency
3rd C: Calendar
4th C: SLA (This being a typical and business level setup we will be taking it up separately.)

2      Explanation

But before starting with the 4c we would like to briefly discuss with the multi-org structure which is as follows 

Now in the above structure we can see that at the top we have the business group followed by legal entity followed by ledger and then the operating unit and inventory org.
In the above structure we have ledger which is a new concept in R12. In 11i we had set of books and in R12 we have ledger which comprises of four things i.e. 4 Cs
·        Calendar
·        Currency
·        COA i.e. Chart of Accounts or Accounting Flexfieds
·        SLA i.e. Sub-ledger Accounting

3       List of basic setups

Although everything will not be discussed in this chapter but to have guided learning path we have listed the various tasks which we would be taking into care in this section of oracle for beginners. 
As part of the process flow starting from scratch the below steps needs to be performed
  • Step 1 : Creation of responsibilities
  • Step 2 : Creation of user
  • Step 3 : 4 Cs
  • 3.1 : 1st C : Currency
  • 3.2 : 2nd C : Calendar
  • 3.3 : 3rd C : COA ( Accounting Flex field)
  • 3.4 : 4th C : Defining SLA Method 
  • Step 4 : Defining of ledger and attaching the 4C defined in step 3
  • Step 5 : Defining of location
  • Step 6 : Defining of organization
  • Step 7 : Attaching of profile option
Each step is a concept and will be discussed in breadth in different posts. 

3.1    1st C: Chart of Accounts: Define Accounting Flex field

As mentioned above 1st C in the structure is COA or chart of accounts.  In order to define the chart of accounts we need to define the accounting flex field and it follows the below steps
Accounting Flex field > Segments > Value Sets > Values
The above means we need to follow the below steps
·         Step 1: Define Accounting Flex field
·         Step 2: Define Segments
·         Step 3 : Define Value sets
·         Step 4 : Assign value sets to the segments
·         Step 5 : Assign flex field qualifiers
·         Step 6 : Compiling of flex fields
·         Step 7 : Defining of values 

3.2     2nd C: Currency

As mentioned above the next step after defining of the chart of accounts is to define the currency in the application. 

3.3     3rd C: Calendar

  • Defining of calendar names 
  • Defining of calendar periods 
  • Defining of exchange rates for the currency defined earlier. 
All the above mentioned steps have been explained in the attached document.

Chapter 2 : Defining of 4Cs in EBS

4      Conclusion

Thus in today’s chapter we have studied the following things
  • ·         Multi-org Structure  
  • ·         Defining of 4Cs i.e.

ü  COA: Accounting Flex field consisting of segments, Value sets, Values
ü  Calendar: calendar name and periods
ü  Currency :
ü  4th C: SLA which being a vast topic would be taken up in a different session.

In our process we would attach the standard oracle defined SLA and end the process.
The steps mentioned in this chapter have been explained considering the training requirements which would differ in case of specific requirements. Next we would be seeing the process of defining of ledgers and then assigning of the 4Cs to the ledger. 

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Oracle Apps for begineers : Chapter 1 : Defining of users and responsibilities

1      Introduction:

This is a manual which takes the users or beginners who are new to oracle apps through the basic steps which they need to perform in order to understand the flow and the basic configuration as present in Apps.
The manual as name goes shows the configuration starting from scratch to end of setups.

2      Explanation

As we know that oracle is an ERP that is it’s an application which caters to the requirement of an organization in real time situation and its used by various employees in the organization on a daily basis.
So like any other application if a particular employee or an user will use the application he needs to be created an user and along with that he needs to have the rights or the necessary privileges to work or perform his duties in the system.
So as a requirement we need to create the user with which the tasks needs to be performed. But even before that the application needs to have the rights which the user needs in order to work and perform his duties. 
In oracle apps terminology the above mentioned requirement is accomplished by creation of responsibilities which have the necessary functions and menus as required. 
So to start in today's chapter we will take into consideration  the process of creation of user and creation of responsibility and then assign the so created responsibility to the user so that he can start working on his tasks. 
So in order to make the application ready the minimum requirements will be to have the below given checklist ready.

3       List of basic setups

Although everything will not be discussed in this chapter but to have guided learning path we have listed the various tasks which we would be taking into care in this section of oracle for beginners. 
As part of the process flow starting from scratch the below steps needs to be performed
  • Step 1 : Creation of responsibilities
  • Step 2 : Creation of user
  • Step 3 : 4 Cs
  • 3.1 : 1st C : Currency
  • 3.2 : 2nd C : Calendar
  • 3.3 : 3rd C : COA ( Accounting Flex field)
  • 3.4 : 4th C : Defining SLA Method 
  • Step 4 : Defining of ledger and attaching the 4C defined in step 3
  • Step 5 : Defining of location
  • Step 6 : Defining of organization                                                                                      

4 Creation of Responsibilities:

As we know that oracle application is designed to perform various business activities on the basis of role assigned to the employees. So in every organization each employee will be having separate role on the basis of which access needs to be provided and as such the application needs to be designed accordingly.
So the above functionality is achieved by creation of responsibilities in oracle application based upon user requirement and they are then assigned to the concerned users in oracle application. In order to create responsibility we need to go to system administrator and the procedure of it is being given below.
Each responsibility consists of menus and functions and the order is as given below.
Responsibility: Set of Menus
Menus: Set of functions
A responsibility is assigned to a menu and a request group. A request group is a set of requests or programmes which can be run from that responsibility as part of his rights.
These can be assigned to responsibilities based on a document called SOD matrix. SOD refers to set of duties.

The entire process has been explained in the document attached hereby in the link. 

7      Conclusion

Thus in today’s chapter we have studied the following things
  •  Oracle as an ERP
  • Creation of responsibility
  • Creation of user

The steps mentioned in this chapter are the basic steps post which other steps relating to the multi-org structure steps will be discussed and demonstrated.